Hi Dear,
Welcome to Health Care Magic Team.
Understanding your concern.
The conditions like cold ,
sore throat and sneezing as you describe in your query are clear indication of viral infection .There are two small tubes called Eustachian tubes that connect our throat to ear ,which maintain the pressure of ear .Sometimes these tube are blocked by mucus produced during cold and sore throat,which is the reason why we feel fullness in ears.
The problem of
labyrinthitis as your mention is also because of same reason of viral infection traveled through Eustachian tube.
In case of viral infection all you need is some
home remedies and it will go away in few days .I would suggest you to drink warm water ,do warm saline gargles or
betadine gargles , take steam to relieve congestion and put hot packs on ear thrice a day .
You can take take
ibuprofen (if you are not allergic )or asprine to relieve pain and inflammation and decongetants.You should take
domperidone if you are experiencing vertigo (difficulty in body balance)due to labyrinthitis.
Labyrinthitis will go away in 10 - 15 days with above treatment.
If the condition will not improve in a week or get worse then immediately
consult ENT specialist (ear ,nose and throat)
Hope your concern has been resolved,
Get Well Soon.
Best Wishes,
Dr. Harry Maheshwari