I have parathesia or numbness in the left side of my head just above my temple, almost at the top midsection of my head. I had a crushing pain that was relentless, sending elictric shocks through my head. This sent me to the ER. My CT Scans MRI were negative. However, they showed a severe sinus infection with complete blockage of sinuses. To complicate this matter, I hit my head very hard in a downward motion compressing my already compressed C1 c2 vertebrae about a week prior to this incident ( April 8th). The VA doctord diagnosed me with Trigeminal Neuralgia. I have had that diagnosis before, with severe burning of my face and jaw to include optic pain. This is nothing like that. My head is numb and has been for 33 days now, with different sensations of pain, heat and itch that can t be scratched. I do not have shingles. I have had 5 known concussions. I was an Army Ranger and suffered one from a close proximity grenade blast that took my hearing on the same side. ( left side) I am on Neurotin and Levoxican right now. The sinus is beginning to discharge very very dark bloody stuff. I think the VA is doing a shotgun blast effect and shooting in the dark. Can a severe sinus infection cause this? Is it possible I damaged a nerve when I hit my head? Could a compression cause this? They did not do MRI of the spine. As I said, the only thing that showed up was complete blockage of all sinuses on left side.