Hello, I have these irritations in my head that started 10 months back. It started as a simple flash of cold on the middle upper part of my skull. The next day that was replaced by a (hard to specify) mixture of numbness, as if ants crawl in your head mixed with light electric shocks. It appeared every day as if on a clock, lasted about 3-4 hours and disappeared. I went to my personal doctor. She tested my blood pressure; it is perfect, ordered the basic blood test, which came out as perfect (fat, sugar, 100% okay). She sent me to a neurologist who did his tests, ordered a CT. That came out with something I believe I had for a longer time. A bump in the right upper corner of my head. A neurosurgeon, which I met, named it a sort of osteoma, a benign bony tumor that upon his opinion cannot be the cause of my problems. He ordered an additional CT scan in a year s time. My next stop was an EEG, which came out with a sort of border result. It shows some sharp theta waves while and after I hyperventilated and not so regular and weaker activity in the rest of my brain (spectra alpha), however it shows no signs of epilepsy. After a short stop in January, my head problems returned and spread. Now I have them 7 days a week, through the whole day. I noticed that my head is very sensitive to weather and warmth differences. If I put a winter cap on my head, most of my disturbances disappear in the matter of seconds, however, after 20-30 minutes my head starts to rebel and I have to take my cap off to allow head to breathe. After my EEG, I washed and dried my hair, however, could not feel any heat in the upper middle part of my skull, it was completely numb to heat and stayed so for next 2 weeks. Since my neurologist sees no exit from this and my state worsens, I have started to research by myself. Through my symptoms, I came to internet sites that connect this with head paresthesia (tingling, electrical shocks, and partial numbness in the head). There are three possible causes, which some sites mention for head paresthesia that could apply to me: 1- Remaining in the same position for a long time (damaged nerves). I worked for 8 years in a seated position and in the last 5 years continued that with my work at home. However, I have my daily routine. Every morning I make a two-hour, fast-paced walk (literally every day) In between my work, I do regular sit-ups, pushups, and squats, with no problem at all. I also train with hand weights when I watch TV (all the time, no joke) 2- Head trauma. I did not have head trauma per se, but I did have an operation (February 2016) in which a bone cyst in my mouth and two teeth were removed. I had to wait almost three months to get in line for my operation. During that time, the cyst destroyed my bone, turned it into liquid substance that had to be removed with a syringe. My dentist did that (digging in my upper gum with a sharp needle) without any local anesthesia, and it hurt like hell (3-4 time before my operation) 3- Possible poisoning. This might sound a bit sci-fi, but it is as I described it here. In the last couple of months while watching TV something obstructed my vision (I am short sighted and wear glasses). On first three occasions when my sight was obstructed I have noticed some sort of dirt on my glasses. I cleaned them and everything was fine. On fourth occasion I took more time, checked my whole glasses and… their outer side that aims toward the TV was clean. The particles were only on the inner side of my glasses – the one that aims toward my eyes. This repeated since then 2-3 times, every time with the same result. Some sort of mini particles settle on the inner side of my glasses as if my eyes would vaporize something; try to clean themselves. These particles are not just simple liquid that would leave a smear on the glasses. This thing hardens into a hard tiny dot (dozens of them) which I can feel if I brush over them with my finger. I have also checked my eyes and on both inner corners between my nose and eyes, my skin is colored in light blue tint. It looks as if someone had punched me in nose 1-2 weeks back. It is not much, but it is there and I am afraid it was there for months. If I close my right eye and stretch its eyebrow up, this light blue color appears in a form of a vein that stretches along the skin above the eye. On the left side, this is not seen as much as on the right one. Sorry for being so long, but this has been going on now for almost 10 months and it simply will not stop. I do everything to avoid using pills, because I want to know the reason and the right cure for my state. I did take two pills for headache last week. They barely show any effect. What I did get after I took them were two days of headache – real headache. I hope you can help me in any way to get some clearance and advice what to do with my problems. Thank you for your precious time and patience. Best regards, Zvonko