Yes, I just got a bee sting sensation in chest cavity between breasts. I have been having symptoms of bells palsy on left eye and left side of mouth. I had an MRI and they said there was no signs of a tumor. (I have history of benign brain tumor, very small attached to third ventricle wall). Neurosurgeon said he didn t see any signs of what could be causing my symptoms. I also have numness in face, jaw pain that comes and goes, and my fingers on left hand and right hand from middle to pinky stick together an curle unaturally. I can spread them apart, but they stick together and sometimes overlap when i relax them. There are more things going on, but these are the main ones I am concerned about. Having a stinging sensation in chest just happened a few minutes ago & lasted over one minute, it subsided, then did it again for about 5 seconds. Please let me know what you think. Thanks. Lindsey