Have been on Amox / Augmentin for over a month to quell double abcesses in teeth while waiting for appt. for triple extraction(s), which finally were accomplished six days ago. Feet were mildly affected during antibiotics before surgery, then post op, at 3 days, began with feet tingling/sensation and right leg affected, an occasion of finger numbness in left hand. At 5- 6 days painful, sensations continue leg muscles seem stiff, feel as though made of wood . though I can walk and circle ankles. at day 6 I chose to discontinue Augmentin and Ibuprophen Rx- in favor of 200mg only over the counter Advil, began taking B-complex vitamin and vitamin C today in hope of restoring nerve function. Do I have the right idea, that this may be an Augmentin and extraction related issue?