I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain feeling of
numbness in gums,teeth and discomfort in cheek seems to be due to difference in atmospheric pressure at high altitude and the land as well as there is reduced
oxygen concentration at high altitudes..
Less oxygen in air can lead to less oxygen supply to the tissues as there will be reduced oxygen concentration in blood and it is a potent cause of numbness at high altitude..
As the pressure changes effect the hollow spaces of the body therefore discomfort in cheek can be due to congested
sinuses at high altitudes as well as there can be inflammation in mucosal lining leading to discomfort..
As you already have a recent history of
cold so there is a possibility that there might be some infection present in sinuses that might flare uo at high altitude leading to discomfort and pain..
Nothing to worry as it is temporary phenomena and will resolve once you reach the land..
To reduce the symptoms in flight you can chew chewing gum, take painkillers if there is pain and also do some exercises like moving the jaw side to side..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.