Can symptoms of arsenic be weakness in arms wear I had to carry a 12 pk of cokes with both my feet I can only describe as on hands were numb,like asleep(hurt) I d shake my hands to get some feeling in them.note: I kept this sugar an still have it, I don t think it was meant for me, I believe one brother intended to kill the other but he didn t no he was sharing the sugar givin to him. I knew something was happen to me but what I don t know, I switch to sugar cubes an this man died like 3 months later. I told cops an doctors but they don t take it serious. Today my bones hurt an I have RA in fingers , fingers are numb, feet fall 60, this happened like 10 yrs ago. I ve kept nail clippings I truely think I ve been poison what can help numbness of hands an feet. Thanks for any kind of input.