hi there, after giving oral sex to my partner, i woke up the next day and my mouth was abit numb on the left hand side, but at this stage, i didnt think anything of it, i noticed that when i brushed my teeth in the morning, water was leaking out from the left hand side, then as the day progressed, i noticed that as i spoke, the left side of my face had no movement, all the movement was happening on the right hand side, even when i go to blink, only the right eye closes and the left eye, or pretty much the left side of my face is numb. at first i thought it was an early sign of stroke, but then i kept thinking about it, and as i was giving my partner oral sex, my jaw kinda locked? if that makes sense? what can i do? ive had it since friday, and am abit worried now. i am 28 years of age, i am about 5ft 6 tall, and i have just recently given birth. i was given the epidural also, could that have anything to do with it?