what's going on with me?
lately i've incounteted serveral odd issues regarding my health. any opions would be greatly apprieated. Over the last week my vision has periodicly been blurry, with in a few seconds or possibly minutes it returns to normal. I've never had eye trouble and as far as I know I have 20/20 vision. In addition, when I look at my eyes in the mirror the wight almost seems red. After eating a small meal (ocompanied by a rum and coke) I began to have sevear cotton mouth, (I supose I should mention i'm a prop 215 patient so this may have been from cannabis) that no amount of water could cure. Now this is what truly worries me, I can't sleap. Every night for the past week i've been falling asleap when the sun comes up. Only to have to get up shortly their after to start my day. I've even tryed advil pm and (with and with out alchole) grean tea (with and without cannabis) nothing seems to work. So riddle me this Doctor, what's wrong with me?
I'm 25 years old, 6' 1" tall, about 185 pounds with blue eyes (not sure if thats relivant but I did ask about vision).