I am a fairly healthy 32yr old female. I first developed strep throat at the end of June,a week before my femoral rotational osteotomy,and was put on a z-pak. 2 weeks after being home my throat started bothering me again and I felt very weak. My doc diagnosed me with strep,again. After that I was diagnosed 2 more times with strep and was given amoxicillin,ceftin,roceftin,and cipro. A week after the cipro I tested negative,via rapid strep,but still felt weak and my throat felt worse. He put me on Methylprednisone. I went to a different doc yesterday and she reported orange spots on the back of my throat and noticed the 2 red marks on the skin of my throat. She thinks its from acid reflux,which I told her I don t have. I expressed to her my concern about the possibilty of catching something due to my blood tranfusion I had after my surgery.She performed a full panel,including mono spot and HIV,and the result came back completely clean and flawless. My question is what else could cause these orange spots,painfull swallowing,headache, and fatigue. She has put me on a nystatin mouthwash,but there is no yeast. Thank you for your time..