Good evening. My 5-year old daughter came down with the flu last Sunday. It started off with congestion, a sore throat, a dry cough, headaches and a fever. I gave her Tussadryl Cough Linctus and it seemed to be gone by Wednesday. By Friday however, her appetite was gone completely, she started having bad tummy/gas pains and her face and chest broke out in a rash. Once she itches the spots they raise, look red and spread very quickly to other parts of her face and chest. They subside completely after half an hour or so and her skin returns to normal. I used Hydrocortisone Cream for the itching and Little Remedies/Tummies Gas Relief Drops for the gas. What was strange was that she had painful diarrhea and vomiting all of last night/morning but is fine today except for a little cough, congestion and the rash that appears a few times a day. We gave her Enterogermina for the diarrhea. We thought that it was the heat (we live in the Caribbean) that brought on the rash but it happens even in an air conditioned room and at night too. Should we be concerned about these symptoms? We haven t given her Aerius since December since her sinuses have not been acting up. Thank you in advance for your time and advice.