Hi there. I had sex with my boyfriend two days ago, and ever since then i have been bleeding when I pee. I m also in extreme burning pain when I urinate, but I can t tell if that s because my pee is hitting open tears on my vagina or if the pain originates somewhere else. We were using a condom, and he persistently claims that he does not have an STI. I know I did not have an STI before that. That was the second time we had sex (in our lives), and we actually stopped because I was in a lot of pain (it felt like my skin was tearing down there). Other than STI, what other explanations are there for this? There was also one instance where something that looked like a clump of coagulated blood came out. I m not disregarding STI, but I d just like to know what other things it could be, and how I can heal faster and stop the pain when I urinate. I have not tried anything. I did not bleed the first time I urinated this morning, but after that I began bleeding again. I think it might possibly be a UTI, but I have never had one before so I dont know.