Hello. thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern.
Head injury can cause dizziness. It could be due to concussion or without it. Concussion is a type of blunt head injury which causes momentary
loss of consciousness with no focal deficit.
The point is complain of dizziness and pain. First we have to rule out dangerous head injury, which may present as
: vomiting
: loss of consciousness or decreasing consciousness
: bleed through nose/ear/throat
: onset of focal deficit
: fits
If there is no above sign, it means injury is mild.
For relief in pain, you can take
Diclofenac sodium after proper prescription.
For dizziness,
: Take bed rest
: Lie supine/flat and keep feet at higher level than chest in case of light headedness
: You can give him beta-histine/
cinnarizine for relief after proper prescription
: Ask him to take plenty of fluids to maintain hydration
No need to him to wake regularly. This will only increase his tiredness. If no relief in symptoms, you should
consult doctor.
Hope it will help you. Take care. Thanks.