hello, thanks for trusting HCM. I have gone through your questions. Im sorry about your health condition now. firstly, may I know some of risks did you have, such as was your stool consistence hard?
from your complaints I can conclude that you might have
anal fissure which is tearing or cracking in the lining of the anus. It can cause pain, bleeding and/or itching, tend to occur in younger and middle-aged persons. the cause of anal fissure is unknown, but the risk factor is trauma from the passage of a hard or painful bowel movement. Low-fiber diets, lack in raw fruits and vegetables are associated with the development of anal fissures.
At least 80% patients heal either by themselves without need for an operation. the goals of management are to relieve the
constipation and to break the cycle of hard bowel movement, associated pain, and worsening constipation.
- Application of special medicated cream, use of stool softeners, avoidance of constipation, and the use of sitz baths (soaking the anal area in plain warm water for 20 minutes, several times a day) help to relieve the symptoms and allow healing to occur.
- For the more chronic fissure, glyceryl trinitrite ointment may be used to relax the sphincter/anal muscles. This would then improve the blood flow to the lining and allow healing to occur. One of the more common side effects of the ointment is headache.
- but for certainty of diagnosis, you better meet your local doctor especially if it doesn't get better. A fissure that does not heal should be re-examined to determine if an underlying problem that prevents healing exists. This could be due to scarring or muscle spasm of the internal anal sphincter muscle. Those which continue to cause pain and/or bleeding can be corrected by anal surgery.
some suggestions for you, please increase your fiber intakes because it can improve the bowel movement and soften the stool and make the fissure get better too.
if there's anything else you need to know, please contact me in HCM. I hope these answer can resolve your queries. get well soon. take care.
best regards,
dr. Asti Yuliadha