I had unprotected sex with my new girlfriend about 4 weeks ago, the first week I used sulfur soap by accident on that area when the skin was still recovering from use. I got a horrible irritation but now it is gone. The discomfort came back, and for a few days I had pain that came and went on my testicles and on my glans. Now the testicle pain is gone, but the discomfort continues on my penis, the skin seems to be different and after masturbation the skin looked extremely wrinkled and silky with a few red dots. I got checked for Chlamydia, Syphilis, HIV, and gonorrhea Last week and all the results were negative. I have had a shifting discomfort in that area for a while now and I have been wondering what I have? My penis feels like it has something, I have no pain during urination and I don't think I have had random discharge either.