Had Pain about 2 months went to the ER. They did CT, bloodwork, and IV, EKG. Doctor said it sounded like acid reflux, because i told him i had heartburn frequently, so he gave me Omprezole. Now 2 weeks later, I went back told him the pains across, and underneath my breast area, itching & bloating. He says gerd or ulcer, but I had a CT abd/pel NON contrast and they said that it was negative. Bloating seems to be more frequent and the only way the pain subsides is with deep breathing and no food at all. Bloodwork has been normal no highs on anything. Periods are somewhat normal, still Have all organs. I m 50 no meds, only tosils and Tubligation for surgeries. Last time I had a US was a year ago, Gallbladder,kidneys, liver were okay then. Pancreas?