I've read your question and completly understood your problem.
You my friend has
sprain or strain
Dont worry all you need to do is that you should rest your knee at the first sign of a sprain or strain. Immediately after injury, apply the RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) method. You should rest your knee as much as possible, apply ice packs for a couple of days to bring down the swelling, use compression, such as an ACE bandage, and elevate the leg on a pillow. For inflammation and pain, your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications such as
aspirin or
ibuprofen as he has already given to you.
Treatment for knee injuries, such as severe sprains or strains (where a ligament or tendon is more seriously stretched or torn), may involve using a knee
splint, immobilizer, or cast, and using crutches for a few weeks or months.
Depending on the injury, your doctor may suggest
rehabilitation for your
knee injury. Working with a physical therapist, you will do specific exercises designed to take your knee through its range of motion to prevent
stiffness and scarring as your knee heals. You may also need to do regular exercises.
I hope this will resolve your queries. Do write to me if you have any other problem regarding that.
Dr. Saddiq Ul abideen (Liscenced Family Physician)
Resident Internal Medicine