Hi, I ve been having upper back pain that s below my shoulder and it s radiating to my chest wall on right side, but it s only on my right side. It s like a burning pain and I ve have it for about 6 weeks now, but the pain doesn t go away and it s so bad that I m having trouble concentrating on anything else but the pain...can t concentrate at work. I ve a chest x-ray and it s normal, I also had a right shoulder MRI, but the orthopedic doctor says that the back pain is not related to my shoulder and to consult with my regular doctor. She s sending me for a CT scan of my back but waiting for the insurance to approve. I m worried because in 2007 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Although it was in it s beginning stages I had a lumpectomy, followed by radiation, all my mamos since have been good. In 2013, I had a bowel obstruction and had to have emergency surgery, but nothing major they did not have to cut my intestines only had lesions which were removed. Since my obstruction been having all kinds of stomach issues but I ve been eating activia yogurt and that has helped me regulate my stomach upset. Just not sure what this paint is about, but I would like some relieve soon!! Help, any suggestions?