Few small bulging discs @ lower back a tare at L5 Degenerate Disc Had Spinal cord stimulator for R S D in L foot , removed due to upper back pain caused upon movement during the time stimulator was in the spinal area . 1 year after removed or so pain still existed . MRI with contrast revealed Small bulge . To this day I can not move for more then 5 minutes of repetitious with out sever pain . Today as RSD With a striate spine well curve but not the normal S , With the RSD numbness falling pain in the left foot , has done some more damage to my spine . Between my hips at the spine hurts and goes rite down to my tail bone . The ER DR asked if I have had any accidents . Ive had twins in 2007 since that time when I need to .... I was cut off and was told to do kinkles !!! Was about to say , I had a C section , I walked a lot . I had to have an enema even though I walked . When I have gas I need to push very hard to release I have to grasp another breath of air at times because I have to push so hard to try and release . If I go to the OBGYN and get the fixed and there is something wrong I don t want to have body funtions flow out of my body !!!!!!!!! Anyways on top of that just above my bellybutton ... spine ,, is throbbing my sides hurt cant move sideways too much just started to be able to bend again . I am aware that this is a come and go gets worse and better situation for me . I do get chills /goose bumps down my legs one foot gets cold the other is warm vise versa ,,,, Ive applied for disability SSD . Im depressed because I cant do anything anymore . I cant sit still in a seat . I have not desire to take my kids to play or to do anything because I know I will be in pain . Life is not fare for them . I have been denied . How do I qualify ?