Hi I'm just enquiring on advice in relation to a back problem, I already suffer severe pain from having scoliosis however for the past 6-8 months I have had back pain in the bottom of my spine which is totally opposite from the thoracic curvuture I have. This pain is different also it's by inflammatory pain which is deep and feels like a knot in my back which is hot being tied it also spreads around my pelvic region, my sister has juvenile ankylosis spondylitis and tells me the symptoms I suffer from are alike hers, I had blood tests done last week in relation to this problem and was tested negative for hba 27 and so I just want a second opinion as my pain relief doesn't target the pain like it does with my scoliosis and the whole issue is bringin me a lot of anxiety which I already suffer bad from as I just want to know what the problem is so I can rectify it, I'm 18 male also, thanks!