I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain pain in ears on yawning, burping as well as muffled hearing after a bout of cold and bad throat seems to be due to
Eustachian tube dysfunction and it is occurring due to blocked eustachian tubes with mucous due to cold..
As the Eustachian tubes are located behind the nose and extends till the middle ear, therefore excess cold can lead to its blockage with mucous..
I would suggest you to consult an Otolaryngologist and get evaluated and a thorough clinical evaluation and investigations like Otoscopy,
x ray and
Audiometry can help in diagnosis and treatment can be done accordingly..
He can be advised a course of antibiotics, anti inflammatory painkiller and nasal decongestant sprays..
In case if there is no improvement in 2 weeks, then surgical
drainage of ears by putting an incision through the
eardrum and draining the ears can relieve the symptoms..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.