Hi. I rolled my ankle nearly two weeks ago and have been getting around either hobbling or using crutches (which is quite difficult as I have 3 small children). The doctor I saw told me to take Nurofen Plus. I initially took 4 a day and dropped to 2 after a week or so but I was on then for 10 days. It is Sunday morning in Australia, so it is 4 days since I stopped the pills, and a small rash which I initially thought was a mozzie bite started 3 days ago (Friday night). On Saturday morning, I broke out in a hot, itchy, lumpy rash. We have Polaramine in the house so I tooke one and the heat, itch and welts calmed down, but you can still see the blotches. Each time the Polaramine wears off it starts again, but I am getting about 12hrs of relief from the Polaramine. I have not had anything like this before and I usually don t take painkillers for too long but it was really sore and still is... Is this rash from stopping the Nurofen Plus? It is the only thing that I have done differently apart from changing a sweetner from a sachet to the tablet form and I have stopped that now until this is gone. I am not allergic to any foods, textiles or any medication that I know of.