Greetings. First of all it's unfortunate that your mother fell down at this age but as per your details it's seems she has not got any
fracture. Every fall has pain and it is the force with which one hit determine severity of pain which get relieved by taking pain medication along with hot fomentation/
cold compresses over it.
Your mother being old age would be suffering from Osteoporosis(reduced
bone density with age).
It's advisable to carefully look after her at this age and prevent further falls.
-As of your problem is concerned follow instructions as below:
* Further fall prevention.
* A cold compress such as an icepack or a bag of frozen peas should be applied to the affected area for 20-30 minutes in order to speed healing and reduce swelling by constricting the underlying blood vessels in response to the cold. Do not apply ice directly to the skin. Wrap the icepack in a towel.
* If the
bruise takes up a large area of the leg or foot, the leg should be kept elevated as much as possible during the first 24 hours after the
*After about 48 hours, heat in the form of a warm washcloth applied to the bruise for 10 minutes or so two or three times a day may increase blood flow to the bruised area, allowing the skin to reabsorb the blood more quickly. Ultimately, the bruise will fade in color.
* Pain medication after consulting your Doctor.
Hope it helped for your mother.