Hi there. I am currently experiencing knee pain when I stand from a crouching or squatting position. This has been for the last week or so. It has slowly gotten more painful with each time. I workout a lot, doing a lot of lunges, squats, jumps etc. However, did not notice the pain while working out initially, I actually first noticed the pain when sitting on the couch with my knee bent up. Now it hurts every time I stand up from a bent position. I thought the pain would go away so I avoided strenuous leg activities at the gym for a couple of days, but after attempting a box jump, the pain in my leg was intense as I pushed myself back up from the bent position. I now experience the pain everytime I stand up from a crouching/squat position. Walking is fine, and at the moment going up stairs is fine. Any ideas on treatment? I would like to get back into training if I can