Lately i have been feeling pains and aches in my back, neck, chest and for the last week ive been experiencing pressure in my upper and lower jaw on the left side of my mouth. One night i was about to sleep and my heart was beating faster than usual, so i panicked and because super anxious because i thought that my heart would stop or that I would have a heart attack. After that episode, i looked up symptoms of a heart attack (realized i had some of the synptoms), and i began noticing chest and back pain, now all of a sudden im feeling jaw pain and pressure!! I went to an Urgent Care center where the doctor checked my heart with a stethoscope, and said that I was perfectly fine and gave me ibuprofen for pain. I am worried that because of my age (im 18 year old female and 40 pounds overweight) he assumed that I was fine and sent me on my way. I am really nervous that I may have a heart attack. I have been having the back neck and chest pain for about a month and experiencing jaw pain for about a week. This has caused some anxiety over my health. Should I trust my doctor? Or am I overreacting?