I was sitting on my bed and within seconds I felt this dull direct pain toward the center of my left butt cheek.immediately I felt the area and there was a baseball sized lump, hard and didn t seem to move. Yet, only seconds later the pain became extremely intense making it almost unbearable to tolerate pressure without nearly fainting from the piercing pain it created! I iced the area which I believe may have decreased the swelling, but pain remained while walking, sitting, or with pressure or bumping it. At one point it felt as though I was being stabbed with a super large butcher knife in that area. A month or so prior to this I have experienced a tingling numbness on the outside of my left thigh, and daily,or every other day waking to my right arm tingling and aching with numbness. Though has remained this way, while my arm seems to recover to normal within a few hours. I am diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and graves, but have been mainly off my medication for my thyroid for approximately 7 months.