My 19 yr old son was in auto accident today. Was evaluated for generalized chest, back, and knee pain, and vomiting, which I thought could be even more significant so I insisted (via long distance) that he be seen in ER. After X-rays and a brief physical exam, he was released. As an RN, i questioned him regarding specific neuro checks, and he said they just looked at his eyes. His N/V is gone, his soreness has increased (as was expected), but after about 10 hours, he was experiencing fever and chills. He took 800 mg ibuprofen with good results, and is now sleeping. We have alarms set to wake him every 2 hours. Everything has progressed as expected, except for the fever. It is too soon for fever to be related to infection caused by accident, and his neuro function appears perfectly normal. Could the fever be induced by stress? He didn t have acess to thermometer, so I don t have measurement. I will appreciate your explanation or advice. Thank you.