Hello. Thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. The ringing sensation in ear without any ring is known as "Tinnitus". After
head injury, it might occur for few hours but if it is persisting for 3 weeks, then something might be wrong.
The reason for its occurrence after head injury is usually due to petrous bone fracture/middle ear damage/blood or fluid collection in ear/post-traumatic dural Arterio-venous Fistula.
Now in your case, you can reach unto some diagnosis by observing some signs and symptoms
: If it is present in ear on injury site and you are also having pain in ear, it might be middle ear damage/petrous bone fracture
: If there is earache, discharge from ear, it might be due to ear damage
: If ringing in ear is pulsatile like heartbeat and increasing on exertion like climbing stairs, it could be due to "dural artery-venous fistula".
: Feel
scalp and if you find any swelling over temple/behind ear, it could be due to ear damage or petrous bone fracture
You can check it and reach unto some conclusion. You should
consult doctor as you need evaluation. He will examine your ear, nervous system and might advise
CT scan of head to rule out skull bone fracture and brain clot. For headache, you may take
Diclofenac sodium after proper prescription. Sickness in stomach is
nausea due to continuous ringing. It will settle down as soon as your Tinnitus will be treated.
Few tips to follow at home
: Avoid sedating drugs
: Keep your head at higher level than chest
: In case of
vomiting, turn head to side
: Consult doctor as soon as possible
Thanks. Hope it will help you. Take care.