I have pain in the first digit of my index finger on my right hand, without a known injury or abrasion. I first noticed the pain June 3rd - but it didn t seem to bother me again until the past two days. The finger also appears swollen and warm. The pain seems to be in the bone - of the first digit, not the tip, although occasionally I feel it in the middle digit of the same finger and slightly in the middle finger of the same hand. I do feel slight bum on either side of the first digit on the right index finger - but that has just been in the last 12 hours and I wonder if it is due to inflammation. the past few years I have had heavy fatigue on and off. This fatigue has been constant the past few weeks, I have tiredness in my arms and legs even after sleeping, I often am faint/dizzy after waking up stairs (although its a little different feeling than right before you pass out). Just wondering if an infection n my finger should be ruled out prior to more testing,