I admire your positive outlook and congratulate you for the attitude.
Now I guess you have left lower quadrant pain, bloating, loose motions
There are lots of pathological causes responsible for it.
However, let me give my opinion here.
As per your history is concerned my opinion will be like this if I were your treating doctor,
1)eliminating high gas foods-carbonated beverages, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and raw fruit
2)Eliminating Gluten in diets
3)avoid FODMAPS(ferment able oligo di and monosaccharides and polyols)
4)fiber supplements-take fiber supplement methyl cellulose with fluid to control constipation, if this does not help add osmotic laxative like polyethylene glycol(D-PEG syrup which contains polyethylene glycol 3350 13.125 g,
sodium chloride 0.351 g,
sodium bicarbonate 0.179 g,
potassium chloride 0.447 g.) It is available without any prescriptions.
5)Anticholirnergic and antispasmodic-Dcyclomine can be given to control intestinal spasm
6)Antibiotics-you can take (Rifaximin tablets along with
Metronidazole and probiotics
lactobacillus for 7 days course and increase up to 14 days)
7)Do regular exercise daily.
For this you need expert's guidance by your local doctor
Hope this helps.