Hallow Dear,
I have gone through your history. You have very smartly got
pancreatitis ruled out. Similar type of pain is experienced when it arises from the
kidney. it is colicky type of intermittent pain, radiating from middle back to the front and is very excruciating. The description of your pain
fits more in this picture. It can be due to stone/crystals, infection or some chronic kidney pathology.
Please get your urine examine microscopically. If there are pus cells and/or epithelial casts, it suggests the infection. Bacteria may or may not be seen. In such case, get culture and sensitivity test done on the urine which will identify the causative organism and the antibiotics to which it is sensitive. Accordingly, the antibiotics will have to be started.
If crystals are noticed in the urine, it suggests either undissolved crystals showering in the kidney or
urinary stone. Then better to get
ultrasonography of the abdomen with kidney-ureter-bladder view. Depending upon which salts are being noticed, you will have to modify the diet and drink plenty of water. If the stone(s) is/are noticed, can be taken care of by ultrasonography stone crushing, surgical removal or if it is too small, can pass out with plenty of water. Depending up on the type of crystals, urinary alkalinizers or acidifiers may have to be taken.
If any other pathology like
hydronephrosis is found, it will have to be managed by the
Along with the urine examination, please get blood urea and serum uric acid estimated to assess the function of the kidneys.
You need to report to the doctor - preferably (nephro)surgeon.
I hope this has given you a fair direction.
DR. Nishikant Shrotri