Friday a week ago, I experienced pain in my left thigh. Location: Front of left upper thigh and also on the outside of the thigh. It kept getting gradually worse over the next 5 days. When I would lean over to pick up something the pain was sharp and very painful at the front. At first I thought it was a back pain flare up but it never centered in my back. Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday each day increasing discomfort. Could not lean over. Hard to get from standing to sitting or sitting to standing. Rolling off the sofa to get up from a prone position was excruciating. Sleep was an hour at a time if that for 4 days. Elevated or straight or bent knee = all the same. No relief. Wednesday morning, I managed, in great pain, to get to my feet but was unable to move my legs farther than 2 inches at a time and it was painful. (Pain always in front and side of thigh.) I went to emergency and was diagnosed torn or pulled muscle. Ice and heat plus pain pills and wait it out. Went to primary care on Thursday and he agreed with diagnosis. Because I was given Percocet, he gave me strong warnings about addiction so I have agreed to Tylenol after the 10 pills were gone. Still in a lot of pain. Tylonal works for about 1 hour and then the pain increases until I pop another 2 after 4 hours. Now, lower back is screaming from the positions I keep adjusting to try to find a place of comfort. Is there a time line I could work from to expect what in what time?