History: I am a 64 year old woman, who has had 7 abdomen surgeries in my life. 3 c-sections, appendectomy, cyst on my ovary when I was 16 that burst, and a partial hysterectomy (still have ovaries); after I had my 3rd child. Problem: I can hardly walk through my home, I have so much pain in my lower left abdomen, very sharp when I put my left leg forward, most of the pain is in the front, going all the way down to my toes. It is so strong I cannot do much with my daily life.....I have been to a chiropractor and have had my spine checked/adjusted. I don t think the pain is sciatic, because it is throbbing in the from area of my groin....but I am wondering if an adhesion has ripped or what???? Can you help me.