Hi I am a 30yr old male , with lower back pain ( of late) but a history of approx. 1 year of buttock pain radiating down right leg into my foot with mild pins and needles and some numbness in foot. I have always exercised ,running , gym work , tag rugby, weight lifting. Had mri last weekend -results DDD limited to L4-5 andL5-S1 L5S1- almost complete loss of disc height and mild broad based disc protrusion withoutforminal narrowing. L4/ L5- moderate right paracentral disc protrusion compromising r. L5 nerve root within the lateral recess. There is efface net of approx. 50 percent of ventral thecal sac. Can this be treated? I have already had loads of physio but no better, not sleeping at night with pain, in fact it s worse at night. Walking relieves it but sitting , standing, lying down is not bearable I await your reply, Niall