I have had chronic pain in the back of my left leg, just below my glute for months. I ve had x-rays, seen a chiropractor and physical therapist. The pain seems to intensify when I sit. The bone and area around that bone in my rear often feels sore and sort of bruised. My leg really hurts in the back area from that bone down to about halfway, and after I walk for a bit, it doesn t hurt as much. I can do the elliptical for an hour to 90 minutes and have no pain, and as soon as I get off and stop, especially if I start going up stairs, I get that pain. It also intensifies if I walk up even a slight incline. I have stretched, strengthened, been adjusted, and massaged. There have been times after the adjustment or massage, were for a day or two if almost seems like it is gone, but then comes back with a vengeance. Before it was only on my left side, now, I have a pretty steady dull ache down the my right thigh starting at the bottom of my glute and going about halfway. So what next?