Hello Dear
I evaluated your query in depth .
# Sudden insidious onset of triceps pain is usually muscular
sprain / strain
related to certain un noticed insult on ligaments / tendons /
nerve endings in most cases .
# Head ache may or may not be in relation with this .
# I recommend you certain steps to follow at home as
- apply alternate ice & lukewarm water to upper arm every 3 hourly .
- local
analgesic spray 6 hourly
- avoid pressure over that arm while sleeping / resting , avoid weight
bearing / work outs till total recovery
- analgesic tablets 3 times a day after meals
- light exercises at home not vigorous ones
- maintain hydration with plenty of liquids , keep BP , Blood sugar in control
- avoid
smoking / alcohol / any abuse substances if using
- if after 24 hours , pain score decrease continue this for next 4-5 days,
if persistent in same intensity , consult your doctor .
Hope this will help you definitely to some extent .
Feel free to ask any further health related issues in future anytime .
Thanks for using Health care magic .
Regards .