Hello I am 24 year old female, 170 cm, weigh aprox 60 kg. I have been a smoker for off and on for about 8 years. For 5 years I have been battling a condition that is still unclear to me. 5 years ago, after a night of not sleeping and drinking alcohol, I had an attack that landed me in the ER. It started out with my arm going numb, continued to heart palpitations, feeling that I was swallowing my tongue and couldn t really breathe, became really pale and couldn t control my movements, trembled and couldn t really speak, nauseous and feeling like I wanted to throw up. In the ER I got a diagnosis of calcium deficiency and they gave me a calcium shot. That didn t calm me down, so they also put me on an IV drip. However, the following days I continued to feel really badly, on made recurring trips to the ER. Because of that, I took various tests: EKG, X ray of the chest, samples from the mouth, various bloodtest, and also a test of how my muscle conduce electricity, to see if they react normally. All the tests came back normalThe diagnosis still was a bit unclear, it ranged from calcium deficiency to magnesium deficiency, others mentioned spasmophilia, with one doctor suggesting I consult a psychiatrist. But my family doctor told me that it is due to calcium, so because of that I have been taking calcium for 5 years, with sometimes mild attacks, similar to the one that was the starting point. I have also had a problem with my menstruation, it was later discovered that I had a tumor like build up on my hormone gland in the brain, but after taking medications for it and regular MRI s, I am now considered cured, with a relatively normal menstruation cycle. My main concern now is my heart however. I have been studying away from home for 4 months now, and before I left I had a really bad attack, so I decided to consult a cardiologist, who did an EKG and gave me a physical, said it was spasmophilia and gave me a prescription for calcium, magnesium, some vitamins and a plant based pill that is supposed to calm me. However, I am still worried because I have been getting these sudden pains in my upper chest area, right above the left breast, and in my left arm for a while now, with arm pain radiating from my wrist to my shoulder. The pains in the chest come after I walk really fast, but the pain in the arm has been going on for some days now. I am also conscious that I have a very bad position when I sit and I also tend to lie in bed and look at my laptop while I am balancing my weight on my left arm. Thank you.