I began to experience sharp , burning pain in my left upper back area. What felt like underneath the shoulderblade and toward the spine. About the size of a grapefruit. Very painfull without injury. No matter any attempts to do bear hug stretching on my knees stretching any way I could. Heating pad. Nothing has helped. The pain is incredible I am on several medications to include .Baclofen, Duoloxetine, Lyrica 300 mg x2 daily. Fentynil patch 25 mcg x72 , Maloxicam, Oxycodone 10 mg x2 daily. Way too many Ibuprofin and way too many Tylenol. All of which brings pain under only tolerable control. It has been now 8 days since it started. No improvement. At around the same time I began to experience severe stinging, burning , itchy left underarm. The pain was like deep scratches from a cat. With sweat building in. Burning itchy pain began left upper ribcage under arm and goes down the inside of .my arm about 1/3 the way down. It has improved about 50 % but now the skin has become all numb. Numbness in those same areas but seems to be spreading around the back of my upper arm. I have a very severe case of diagnosed polyneuropathy. Which I diagnosed wiith about 7 months prior to the onset of type II Diabetes. I have this in both hands and wrists and both legs and both feet. .