I burning urethra and pain inside anus. Renal function is normal PSA is normal. C reactive protein is normal. ESR is normal. No UTI on urine culture but blood stains in microscopic examination. GP referred to Urologist. Long waiting to get appointments. Presently on Tramacet and buscopan. I have HbA1c 6.0 and triglycerides above the normal. Sometimes I get allergic rashes on shoulder blade elbow and thighs. an incapacitating fatigue.problems with concentration and short-term memory.extreme tightness in the shoulders and neck.hyper-acidity/acid reflux.un-refreshing sleep.sore throat.white coated tongue.chronic sinus problems and headaches.depression,irritability,anxiety,panic attacks,recurring obsessive thoughts,personality changes and mood swings,dizziness and balance problems,alcohol intolerance,constipation painful gas and abdominal bloating,low-grade fever or low body temperature,dryness of the mouth and eyes,recurrent ear infections rashes and dry skin,dandruff, jock and rectal itching, ringing in the ears, allergies and sensitivities to noise/sound, foods, odors, chemicals,feeling in a fog, muscle twitching and muscle weakness restless legs,low sex drive and/or numbness in the genital area Alcohol 1 litre in 2 weeks, smoking 4 cigarettes max in one day.I get on and off pain scale 9/10 down to 3 to 4 with tramacet. Ultrasound normal. I take doxycycline for 30 days ciprofloaxicin for 10 days and tamsulosin 0.4 mg no good results. I am terribly upset with my condition. Please advise.