Having reoccurring ankle pain on the ball to the outside right leg, feels like I clipped it. Starts in the AM with no remembrance of a hit, gets worse through the day, swelling by PM. Sometimes accompanied by knee pain that feels like it was twisted too far and is sensitive to movement as result. I m 70 and homeless living in a motor home with no means to exercise, spend all day siting by and large. Try to walk a mile a day, but I have a neuropathy that does not allow me to wear socks or shoes, sometimes keeps me indoors because it spreads randomly to other parts of the body so I might not be able to wear pants, or even clothes (causes a burning sensation). Usually able to endure about an hour before it gets too hot. Neuropathy also limits mobility of toes and foot muscles in general, but no balance problems. BUT THE REASON I m here, is there is one symptom which particularly bothers me, and that is that at day end, when the ankle is worst, when laying down (not sitting), if I rub the leg downward below the knee it feels good, but it hurts badly wherever I m touching if I rub upward. Can t find any such symptom online. Diet is decent but no red meat other than sliced lunch meats, minimal access to greens, veggies other than frozen, fruit. Take vitamins ONLY, no meds for last 16 yrs. General health decent, 45 lbs overweight, slight persistent cough retained from pneumonia some thirty years ago. Blood pressure slightly high, cholesterol slightly high, salt intake above average I suppose. Sleep only 3-5 hrs a day since about 1975, a couple of power naps sometimes. No Doctor, No Insurance, No money.