Thanks for the query..
I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns...
As per your complain there can be two most common and probable causes of pain on left side of her face:
It can be due to partially erupted or
impacted wisdom tooth and the gum flap over the wisdom tooth that partially covers it got inflamed due to infection leading to pain and pain can radiate to the entire side of face along with ear and side of head..
The condition is known as
PERICORONITIS and it can also lead to swelling on the affected side..
In case if the pain is
electric shock like and in small bouts then it can be due to
TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA which can occur due to injury or compression of the branches of
trigeminal nerve..
You should consult an Oral Physician and get evaluated and an x ray for a wisdom tooth induced pain and a CT SCAN for confirming Trigeminal Neuralgia can be done..
In case if it is due to Pericoronitis either removal of the wisdom tooth or the gum flap followed by antibiotics and painkillers will provide permanent relief..
If there are chances of
nerve damage while removing wisdom tooth you should consult an ORAL SURGEON and get evaluated and they are experts in treating such cases and will safely remove the tooth..
In case if it is due to trigeminal neuralgia treatment can be done by giving medicines like
Carbamazepine, Gabapantin, Baclofen etc as these medicines can help in relieving nerve induced pain..
Surgical approach can also be advised depending upon the cause and requirement..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards..