I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain painful bowels along with occassional blood can be due to caused like severe
constipation leading to hard stools that are painful to evacuate and can even case injury to mucosa and some bleeding..
Other cases can be fissures, hemorrhoids,
diverticular disease, colitis,
irritable bowel syndrome etc..
I would suggest you to
consult a Gastroenterologist and get evaluated and he can do a thorough clinical evaluation and advise you investigations like Colonoscopy, Upper G.I Endoscopy,Barium swallow tc to rule out the exact cause of the problem and treat accordingly..
In case if it is due to constipation you can be advised stool softeners like Docusate, laxatives like castor oil, prescription drugs like
Lubiprostone along with diet modifications like lots of fibres and water..
In case of hemorrhoids sitting in warm water tubs, emollients,suppositories and steroid ointments and a at times surgery can help..
In case of infections antibiotics, anti-inflammatory,antacids and H blockers can help..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.