Bronchitis is inflammation of the your lower airways from a
respiratory tract infection of chemical irritant. Cough is the predominant symptom which can last for many weeks. Bronchitis is generally self limiting with complete healing and full return to function. Most infections are viral, but individuals with lung or
heart disease can suffer from more serious infections.
The diagnosis is usually made with the following:
- Sudden onset of cough and no evidence of pneumonia, asthma, exacerbation of COPD, or the common cold
- Cough is initially dry and nonproductive, then productive (for example, green mucus with the cough)
- Cough lasts more than 5 days
- Difficult breathing, wheeze, and fatigue may occur.
- Absent fever
There is usually no testing needed. Occasionally, a chest x-ray will be taken to help rule out other disease such as pneumonia.
-Avoid smoking or second smoking.
-Get pneumovax and influenza
immunization at your local pharmacy.
-Cough drops or tessalon pearls
-Steam showers
Acetaminophen or iburofen for fevers or pain.
-Decongestions like benadryl
-Continue albuterol or theoasthalin