Hi Doc, I am a male, 48 years old. I am being hit with all types of illnesses and hit with the worse type. I have the worse case of Fibromialga, RF arthritis, Osteo-arthritis. I started developing very painful lumps 3 weeks ago that are about a quarter size and when you touch they feel like fat cellulite. These lumps, They appear mostly in both legs, thigh area, some near calf. My muscles have been very stiff. I went to see my primary and we also discussed pain that I have been feeling for about 20 months at the groin area, after running labs, came back with elevated PSA and she is trying to get me to a Urologist STAT. What is going on with me????? I also have a mild bipolar disorder and am currently taking Lithium 200mg and Lamictal 200mg and have I just cant do narcotic paid medication so I have been bearing the pain. My wife and I have 5 kids and I m very worried.