Hi. I am female, 22 years old. I am very hygenic (I shower every single day, and sometimes even have a clear-water, no bubble bath, bath in the evenings too). I suffer from extremely sore, painful lumps on my vagina, and general genital area. They are raised and usually quite hard, as if they go deep down underneath the skin. Occasionally I can 'release' fluid/puss from inside of them, but mostly I cannot and it does not look like they have a head on them. I have been on about 8 different courses of strong anitbiotics over the past 18 months and they do clear the lumps up, until 2 weeks later when they come back again. I've also been prescribed aqueous cream and betnovate cream but neither seem to be doing anything. I have also had huge abscesses and had to have them cut out & drained in hospital under local anaesthetic. Quite recently I have noticed that I have lots of purple/blue bruises appearing in between my legs, high up on my thighs, on my bottom cheeks and further inside, but near to my vagina and near the outer lips of the vagina. They appear in clusters like a rash. Sometimes they appear on their own, too. I also have noticed bruises appearing on my legs (my left shin is extremely swollen like there is fluid inside) and my limbs regularly hurt, like a pulsing pain, until I have to sit down it hurts so much. My shoulders hurt, particularly my left one. I am constantly tired and feel so weak and such pains in limbs and all over my body that sometimes I feel like I could just collapse. Other symptoms include feeling dizzy, constantly thirsty, blurred vision, problems remembering simple things or instructions, intense electric-shock like pains in my temples and lower back of head, severe vitamin b12 and folate deficiences for no reason. I take folic acid although it isn't being absorbed in my stomach for some reason. I have to be given vitamin b12 injections every 8 weeks to prevent anemia. I also have a rare blood disorder so my ferritin is extremely high (1000). Tests have ruled out diabetes. Could you please tell me if you think on any level that I have something to worry about. Or any conditions that you think I should be tested for. Thank you