I have a question, my husband gets very painful spasms after intercourse and also at random times. One of his testicles is larger than the other. We have ruled out testicular torsion or any type of stones by ultrasound. We got a blood test done ruling out cancer. We got his thyroid checked and that didn't turn out anything either. He is excessively thirsty, pain in his hands and feet and blurry vision, and dizzy all the time. He also feels nausea and loses his appetite sometimes. When he gets these spasms, I can feel them all over his body, from his legs, testes, his sides on his torso and he jerks at night like he's in a lot of pain. I don't know what to think or if he has something affecting his nerves which is causing the spasms....please, any feedback is much appreciated!!!! He is only 23, and doesn't do drugs and stopped drinking.