You are having pain on the right side of the ear. It radiates to the face and top of the head. There is swelling and pain behind the ear. Swelling and pain behind the ear is indicative of
ear infection, dental problems, TMJ syndrome,
occipital neuralgia, ear wax
impaction, etc. You are suggested to get clinically examined by an ENT to detect any ear infection like AOM, COM, wax impaction, etc.
Do not touch, scratch or pick. Infection if detected will be treated with antibiotics or ear drops. In case of wax impaction, ear wash will be done, a clinical procedure done by your treating doctor. You can take
Combiflam or Naproxen, one SOS when needed. It will give relieve from pain and swelling.
If needed you will be referred to a
dentist, to detect any dental problem or TMJ. You will be treated accordingly. You can take semi-solid food for a couple of days so that you do not hurt the soreness or swelling.
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Nupur K., General & Family Physician