Its a long question. I am 80 year old female with no history of heart problems. My GP at recent physical finally convinced me to go on blood pressure medication, since my readings have been consistently in 160/80 for years. I was on losartan 50 mg once daily, but after 6 days on it, I had an episode like panic attack in night-rapid heartbeat and erratic beat, hard to breathe, felt unwell. Feeling it was panic attack, I toughed it out. Next day still felt unwell but better and cut back losartan to 25 mg. For several weeks since then , have periodically had heart that felt occasionally like skipping a beat, and also periods of shakiness, weakness, dizziness, - not severe but annoying, as well as general mild nausea. After several weeks my GP took an ekg and said it was irregular, to go off losartan and see cardiologist, which I did. he said it looked like my electrical impulse of heart was finding different path to take than the usual one, or something like that. Those couple of weeks without medicine I was definitely feeling much better, but blood pressure was back up in 160s/80s whereas it had been around 140s/70s. Cardiologist now wants me to wear heart monitor for 24 hours and to take myocardial perfusion imaging stress test. I react very badly to all medicines and always have, from destroying my white blood cells, to severe diarrhea, nausea, swollen mouth and tongue, giant hives, severe headaches, among other reactions. I want to know if it is necessary for me to take this 4 hour infusion test with the chemicals, or if there is another way to see if arteries are blocked that would be less invasive.