Hi. I visited the doctor the other day, because I have numbness in my arms and fingers and palpitations, and so I was worried about my heart. They took bloods which showed I am anaemic. They also did an ekg and I am really worried now because they said it was abnormal. The doctor said there was a tiny bump which should be on a certain part, and it wasn't there, but that it "wasn't a big problem". The doctor also said the 2 leads which showed that issue with the bump were the ones under my breasts, and that "you have quite large breasts, so that could have cause this result". I told the doctor I am also really tired and stressed and she said also took some blood to test for low cortisol and low B12. I am awaiting the results. She said the symptoms I was describing were not to do with my heart. I have been referred for a stress test which I will do 4 weeks today, but I'm terrified that something is seriously wrong with my body and/or my heart. Please help me. I think the doctor is being pretty pro-active, but I'm so worried :-(