i am trying to get answers to a diagnoses of panic attacks which i dont believe i have. here are my symptoms, shaking sometimes severe, visual disturbances that look like electriclike fuzzy apperations which i know are not real, but feel at times like im frozen in a position being electricuted and speratic muscle spasms occure, rapid Heart beat sometimes in the low 200 s BPS, very high Blood presures at times have been 200+ over 200+, depression, severe anxiety, i have had 2 tramatic brain inuries, legions on a MRI that were seen as insignificant but sent for neurology to see if it could be MS, serious head pain, occipital neuralgia with intervention and nerve was severed surgically, trigeminal neuralgia, numbness and tingling in hands and toes,really cold hands and feet, over heating and sweating all over, lack of motivation, some depression, back pain, very cluttered thought process and very unorginized